What Metal Detecting and Prospecting means to you.

What Metal Detecting and Prospecting means to you.

Metal Detecting and prospecting means different things to different people, we all have our own reasons for participating.

Our Hobby is constantly under attack from different groups as they get us mixed up with Mining. We are NOT Miners, but hobbiests that enjoy the outdoors and having a scratch in the dirt for shiny stuff.

We are often misunderstood and the powers that be NEVER get to hear from actual prospectors and detectorists about what the Hobby means to them.

We are talking about the Unseen benefits to Mental Well being, Health, Tourism, Small town economies and more. Its time these people learnt about the massive benefits that can be gained by letting us do our thing freely.

It's about gathering a ground swell of stories that we can show to the Authorities and the decision makers to try and get us access to more area's to get out there and enjoy the Australian Bush.

We want to show that prospecting and metal detecting is a benefit to both those that participate and those that live in Area's that are suitable for gold based tourism.

Well we want to hear those reasons and Once a month we will Draw a prizepack from those that shared below.

Simply Leave a comment on this Post and explain in as few or as many words as you like what it means to be able to you to go prospecting or metal detecting.
What benefits you gain and maybe even what you believe you bring to the communities you visit.

Let's show the people that make decisions WHY we do what we do.


P.S it is also very Important that you join your local prospecting association.
This gives us Numbers to work with and with all things political numbers count for a lot!




Membership is pretty cheap and you are Helping fund the fight for better rights for YOU.

Join Today.

PLEASE Just your stories on this post, its all about sending a Positive message.

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I enjoy the hobby as you just never know what is buried underground..example finding an 1836 groat..that’s what it’s all about the history lost

Ray Chapman

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