What Metal Detecting and Prospecting means to you.
Metal Detecting and prospecting means different things to different people, we all have our own reasons for participating.
Our Hobby is constantly under attack from different groups as they get us mixed up with Mining. We are NOT Miners, but hobbiests that enjoy the outdoors and having a scratch in the dirt for shiny stuff.
We are often misunderstood and the powers that be NEVER get to hear from actual prospectors and detectorists about what the Hobby means to them.
We are talking about the Unseen benefits to Mental Well being, Health, Tourism, Small town economies and more. Its time these people learnt about the massive benefits that can be gained by letting us do our thing freely.
It's about gathering a ground swell of stories that we can show to the Authorities and the decision makers to try and get us access to more area's to get out there and enjoy the Australian Bush.
We want to show that prospecting and metal detecting is a benefit to both those that participate and those that live in Area's that are suitable for gold based tourism.
Well we want to hear those reasons and Once a month we will Draw a prizepack from those that shared below.
Simply Leave a comment on this Post and explain in as few or as many words as you like what it means to be able to you to go prospecting or metal detecting.
What benefits you gain and maybe even what you believe you bring to the communities you visit.
Let's show the people that make decisions WHY we do what we do.
P.S it is also very Important that you join your local prospecting association.
This gives us Numbers to work with and with all things political numbers count for a lot!
Membership is pretty cheap and you are Helping fund the fight for better rights for YOU.
Join Today.
PLEASE Just your stories on this post, its all about sending a Positive message.
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I started in 2020 as a means of excercise , since then its been more about helping to clean the trash from under the surface. along the way ive been wondering what story my next find will be, who dropped it , what thoughts were on their minds , were they stressed or in a happy moment. now in 2022 i have just begun to want to help those who have lost their valuables and to reunite those precious items back into their lives. My mind is more relaxed and relieves alot of any stress when outside using my detector. Our history should never be forgotten.
I just love getting out in the bush and detecting for gold,
It gets me away from the hustle and bustle and provides me that important self time with nothing else to think about but gold.
Metal detecting to me is the itch you get to scratch at the end of the week. I do it for the chance to relax and distance myself from the day to day issues. I do it because it gets you outside, breathing in the fresh air and seeing different places.
Just because most detectorist don’t find a lot of relics/coins/gold doesn’t mean we don’t enjoy it. Granted we find more rubbish. But every bit of rubbish we dig up and dispose of is 1 less piece that needs to be worried about next time.
Detecting is life
When I first started detecting I was fit and healthy, i spent a minimum of 1hr a day detecting, I loved the hunt, looking for gold or relics, researching history to look for that elusive bucket lister find, but along the way I became very ill, in a very short time I went from able body to disable in a matter of months, but detecting saved my life, without detecting friends asking me to go detecting I am unsure how I would have dealt with spiraling depression, but once out detecting i found it also takes your mind off the chronic pain, it’s like a distraction, it almost like a time out for your brain, I have spoken openly about this and found many others are like me using detecting for their health and although I can’t detect as much as I used to it is very helpful to me so please stop restricting where we can detect, in fact it would be great to open more places for us to detect
I started this hobby because of the history, time with my dad when the SD 2000’s come out. I started my own business in training days. I got to experience travelling to WA, NSW a few times and around Victoria. I was lucky to have met so many great people doing this. We had a few of us have a meet & great at the Laanecoorie caravan park. This ended up been the biggest gold event in Australia. It has been raising money for cancer research. To have been apart of this was the best thing as to have seen so many prospectors dig deep into their pockets for this great cause.
I do suffer from depression, anxiety & PTSD after a car accident. Spending time out the bush with my wife and kids has helped me a lot with these issues. Getting to see things in the bush that not many others would. Sharing the knowledge I have with others to get them out into the bush & enjoy what I do, help them with understanding how relaxing and how enjoyable it is to be just roaming the bush with family, friends or just by themselves.
Finding gold is just a bonus but if you find a good patch or a good bit of gold, it can change your life. Having found gold has saved us a lot of times. To pay bills, food on the table and other expenses and to think your actual exercising while looking for that glittery yellow rock.