AlgoForce E1500 PLUS Pulse Induction Gold Detector.
AlgoForce E1500 PLUS Pulse Induction Gold Detector.
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AlgoForce E1500 PLUS Pulse Induction Gold Detector
Algoforce E1500 PLUS- Uncover Gold with Ultra-Fine Pulse Induction Technology: VLF Sensitivity, PI Power, Affordable Excellence!
This machine is Seriously Good, its easily as good as the much more Expensive offerings from other companies. (SDC2300 it will keep up easy)
Please Look into the reviews in general for the machine before making a decision. The Reviews are excellent. Thats the best advertisement for the AlgoForce E1500 PLUS.
New Version PLUS Model, Same great design and software with headphone Jack re-located inside the handle.
Designed & Assembled in Australia by ALGOFORCE PTY LTD
The AlgoForce E1500 PLUS is a pulse induction metal detector that excels at locating very small gold nuggets in often complex mineralised soils found in most goldfields. Developed by AlgoForce Pty Ltd, it harnesses patented Ultra-Fine pulse induction technology, which is capable of detecting even the tiniest of gold nuggets. This sensitivity matches that of VLF gold detectors in low mineral soils, but being a PI detector, it has a bigger advantage in highly mineralised terrains.
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