XP Deus Australia, Using Audio Response and Sensitivity to get maximum depth and recognition
Deus allows you adjust audio response and sensitivity very quickly to gain more accurate information about your target's depth and conductivity.
Deus has adjustable audio response, what this does is change the way the deus alerts us to targets. The temptation is to have it up too high and this can lead to false information regarding depth. In the video Gary Blackwell takes us through a few scenarios and shows the difference that the right audio response level can make.
The deus is capable of very good depth and using audio response you can separate targets and pick their varying depths just by paying attention to the sounds.
Sensitivity on the deus can be adjusted 2 different ways to get the most depth and the most accurate information about your target.
TX gain and sensitivity can both be adjusted and Gary takes you those settings and how to get the most out of them.
Again the best way to learn more about your deus is to change the various settings while hunting. Then retrieve your target and see how accurate the information actually was. On the next target try some other changes and soon you'll fond the optimum settings for that particular area.
Have Fun and experiment a little, there is no self destruct setting in the deus so change as many or as few as you like to see what the deus can really do.