XP Deus How does it Perform in Highly mineralised soils against other Metal detectors?
Dear Detectorist,
Most detectors will make great discoveries in the local parks and on the local beaches where soil conditions are pretty normal. It's when we go into those areas of high mineralisation that we discover the true power of our detectors.
VLF machines often fail at this point, It's one of the reasons that the serious gold detectorists use PI (Pulse Induction) machines, they are just easier to adjust in this type of ground.
(Wet sand can have the same effect, as many beach hunters well know)
Now I am not suggesting that you may want to hunt for gold nuggets at the beach or park, but for many of us detectorists its a matter of WHEN we are going to chase the yellow not IF.
It's not just gold though, for many of the relic hunters. some of the best stuff is in the high mineralisation areas. That's where the old prospectors operated and that's where there are some awesome finds to be had.
Now you may be saying to yourself that your not one to hunt these areas. That's fair enough, but if you have a choice of a detector that CAN handle this situation if needed versus one that just will not cope ever, well to me I'd rather be prepared.
This is a short Video I located of High mineralisation soil test comparing the XP deus with a couple of the most common detectors in that range.
My Point is:
Will you knock back the opportunity to head into gold country simply because your detector is not up to the task?
No I wouldn't either.
Here's the video, its not very long.
Cheers all
Justin Cleghorn