Buying the right Metal Detector to suit You.
Metal Detectors from Beginner to advanced, we pick the best of what's available and offer it to you with Full training to get you started fast.
Problem: Metal Detectors are now sold from Chain stores where the people that work there have very little idea of what the machines can do. In most cases people are leaving with little to no idea of how to use their new Metal Detector or even WHERE they can use it.
Solution: Buy a detector that comes with training and assistance. I'm telling you now Metal Detecting is not as easy as you think and by getting a little help when you get started you'll be able to start making exciting finds faster.
Detectorist.com.au are proud to lead the way in Old fashioned retailing but done in a more modern way.
With every single detector sold you'll get some training and assistance to get started fast.
Dedicated training videos and LIVE training sessions to help you learn about your new metal detector and what it can and CAN'T do.
There are also some general detecting tips as well as product specific training for each of the brands and models we sell and recommend.
All of the metal detectors that we carry have been specifically chosen for many reasons:
- Our Metal Detectors are from well Known brands and are NOT Chinese knock-offs or cheap imitations. You'll get high quality, brand name gear from proven manufacturers in the industry.
- Our Metal Detectors have been field tested by US and we know for a fact they do what they claim.
- Our Metal Detectors are NOT sold with mis-information about what they can and can't do. You may be surprised to know that just because there is a gold nugget on the box, doesn't mean it is an effective gold finder.
- Our Metal Detectors come with iron clad warranty and support. If something goes wrong we have your back and so do the manufacturers.
- Our Metal Detectors are posted from within Australia from our warehouse in Central Queensland. We Guarantee that if you bought it we have it in stock.
- Our Metal Detectors are supported by twice yearly roadtrips, LIVE Training sessions online and in the field, and each and every model comes with an introductory video to get you started fast and with confidence.
Over the last 5 years we have served in Excess of 3,000 Australian Detectorists with metal detectors, Digging tools, Batteries, training and more.
Below are are Metal Detectors and what they are designed to do.
Just select the metal detector you think will best suit your needs. If you have any questions there is a phone number at the top of this page to call or TEXT Clegy OR use the Contact Us page to send an email.
Make sure you get the right advice and most importantly the right metal detector to suit your needs.
The primary Goal is to get you set up with the best equipment to give you the very best chance of making finds and enjoying the hobby of metal detecting for a long time to come.
Happy Hunting