Extremely Comprehensive FAQ regarding XP Deus.
Dear Detectorist,
The Xp Deus is a little different to most detectors and it can be as easy as you like to use or as complicated as you want to make it.
I have to thank the people at Xp Deus America for this page, it is off their website and is one of the most comprehensive FAQ's on the XP deus available. There are questions answered there that I didn't even think of.
It is also a great resource for Deus owners to get a little bit more info on their machine and to maybe find out a thing or 2 you didn't already know.
Click here to read the FAQ, very handy resource.
If you have further questions or need some more information then please reach out via the Contact us page. There is a link at the top of this page.
Thanks All
Happy Hunting.
Justin Cleghorn